Monday, October 26, 2009

Tyler's Feet

Our little Ty has very flat feet. When he stands his ankles tip in and so he doesn't really stand straight. So 2 weeks ago when we were at the Pediatrician for his 3 year well visit check-up, I asked the Dr. to look at them. He did, and recommended we see an Orthopedic Surgeon.

So last week we went to the Orthopedic office and had x-rays done. Lucky for us he doesn't need surgery, but Tyler's feet are about as bad as it gets for "flat feet." Where the arch is supposed to be it almost dips down instead of curves up. The only reason he would need surgery would be if he was having pain, or if he didn't have full movement of his foot (which he does), but it is a big problem because he doesn't have proper support, so he needs special insoles to give him an arch to support his feet and ankles.

So today I went to another office that actually makes the insoles and other prosthetics, and had them look at his feet.

In conclusion; they will do a custom mold of his feet to make the special insoles which will be made to go up his ankle a little bit. Thankfully insurance covers most of the cost for cases that are this extreme. He'll probably need to wear some type of extra support for his feet the rest of his life. The office said Tyler will need to come in about every 6 months to have them adjusted, and they will need replaced about every 2-3 years as he grows out of them.

I'm grateful we recognized the problem early in his life, and I'm grateful that there is a way correct it so he doesn't permanently kill his joints and have arthritis pain the rest of his life.

We'll go back to the office in a few weeks and get the cast of his feet done.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So I was wondering who you went to, our helmet dr. also does leg braces and all sorts of things like that