Monday, October 6, 2008

Pre-School Vs. Naptime

This is Chase's first day of pre-school.
When we went to get him a backpack I asked him "What kind of back pack do you want?"
(Thinking he would say something like Cars, of Spider man) before we even got in the store he said "I want one with wheels!"

Chase has school from 9:15 in the morning until 11:45. it takes about 20 minutes to drive there so some days Ty and I don't
go home...
Today we went to the library. I pack a lunch so when Chase gets done, he can eat and if Ty falls asleep he won't have an empty stomach. This is a picture I took of Tyler on one of those days.

Most of the time he will stay asleep when I am moving him from the car to his bed as long as he hasn't been asleep very long, but today he woke up so I ended up rocking him for 10 min. them put him in bed... let him cry for 10 min. then again holding him for 25 more min. until he was safely asleep!
Most people advise me to let him cry... But those of you who know this little boy also know he will throw-up on purpose just to get out of bed! I even time it sometimes so I can run into his room with a bowl just at the right second to catch the "mess" and continue to let him cry himself to sleep.
But most of the time I would prefer to avoid the whole situation and just hold him. (Luckily this is only a nap time situation) He goes to bed fine, without being asleep, at night time.


Heather and Parker Lyons said...

Mel, that picture of Ty sleeping with the cup is HILARIOUS! you have a lot of space at the bottom of your should delete that, or add some text. And you didn't pick a title for this post. I'm not being critical I'm just trying to help. I'm taking from the post that you guys made it back from Utah okay. Talk to you later.

Anna Beal said...

That picture of Ty cracks me up!!

Carrie said...

I didn't know you had a blog!! I saw on mine that someone came from here so had to check it out! Yeah!! We need a girls night soon...I only have 1 baby on Friday & you & Kristina are free...

Anonymous said...

Aw! I love his backpack with wheels. That is quite the trip to preschool. So worth it though. What a good mommy you are! The pic of Ty cracks me up. He such a goof. We miss you guys. Can't wait to see you next weekend.


Dori said...

I love the picture of him with the cup in his mouth! Can you believe the different ways that they fall asleep. Hey...check out my blog when you get the chance. http//