Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Busy Day! (April 1st)

Friday is always grocery shopping day for me.

It's not so bad when I go at night after the kids are in bed. By myself, I can get done much faster, but I hate wasting my evenings with my husband by grocery shopping; so most of the time I just go in the morning after I drop Chase off at school, But this week was spring break. I had all 3 kids. I also stayed up till 12:45 last night because I was out for Girl's Night! To make the grocery shopping more fun it was the first day of the month which = food stamp day.

But in the end it only took from 9:00 till 10:40 to get out of there. (WinCo on Farview). Then came the JOB of unloading and putting away groceries, and feeding the kids (who by the way woke up at 6:45 am and were ready for lunch when we got home). I got everything out of the car and was very grateful for the beautiful weather. So instead of putting it all away I decided to just do the perishables the clean my van. I wanted to take advantage of the warm sunshine while I could. So I left all the cupboard groceries on the counter and went outside to vacuum my van!

That took and hour, the I realized Camrey needed to go down for a nap! So a little after 12 I put her down and returned to cleaning the van. I got as far as cleaning only 1 carpet piece and decided the other 3 would be TOO much extra work. Chase wanted to clean the windows. I told him we didn't need to wipe the outside windows because when the car gets washed it will clean them. He then asked, "Can we wash the car Mom?"

He was so excited at the idea, and the weather was so nice I thought, why not? So Chase got the hoses out of the storage shed and I got some soapy water and old towels and we WASHED the van in the drive way! Camrey woke up just before we got finished, so I brought her outside too. (Tyler was happily playing Mario).

And if all that isn't enough, my house looked like this... every room a mess.

I took before and after pictures to show what I accomplished!
I got the house picked up, groceries all put away, and my room clean, then Tory got home around 4:00.

We decided to take the kids to a park for a picnic for dinner. So I packed sandwiches, chips, drinks, and cookies, and we headed to Eagle to play at a park. Saturday we have plans to get a swing set in Kuna that someone my sister knows is GIVING away; so naturally we had to go to Eagle to get a trailer from my dad to get the swing set the next day... thus the reason for going to a park out there!

When we got home I took a minute to vacuum the house because it was already clean and I didn't know how long that would last either!

Then I did the dishes... I think that's it... How much work can a 8 month pregnant girl do in one day?... The answer... (in my case today).... a lot!

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